Tender to Talent

by Moreno Zani

“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples, then you and I will still have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

George Bernard Shaw

Investing in the love of art, in creativity, in the design of possible new futures, in culture for the common good and available to all: this is where Tender to Talent is borne. An exchange of ideas between seemingly disparate worlds but in fact very similar, a real opportunity to realize one’s true potential through continued support. It is an exchange of views, where the common driver is the energy and the will and desire to build new days and new horizons. To break the established rules and patterns already molded by others and in which we often do not recognize ourselves but upon which others would like to impose on us.

Commitment, courage, nonconformity, inspiration are the basis and the foundation of our thinking, and in particular of the “Attese” project. It is work in progress, which does not aim to find answers, but to pose questions, to stimulate and incite, and to conjure new worlds, and to break into cities and occupy vacant spaces and fill them up with ideas. On the other hand, “the best ideas are the common property of all.”

The difficult times of the world in which we live in are also rich with opportunities. An era counter-balanced by progress and regression, in which perhaps human values are again being asserted, of common good, of work at the service of others. We should always look at the positive side of change, a new wind is blowing!

Richard Florida, in his “Rise of the Creative Class”, was able to understand that the talented represented the new real wealth of society, showing how – after years of research – certain urban centers underwent a true productive renaissance while others were not able to avoid an industrial decline. The difference was primarily due to the ability to attract creative minds, able to deliver innovation and make significant breakthroughs, spurring companies to move their activities and invest in places where creativity was ripe and fostered.

A company is founded and thrives due to the creativity and ingenuity of people, which by providing their different talents make it grow to form an intertwining part of the surrounding environment and an integral part of their interests and of the community.

These are the principles upon which Tendercapital was borne. It is a new and young reality in the way of doing business, and it embodies values that will form the guiding force towards a more sustainable future in which private interests and social needs will have a common goal.

We have started with the “redistribution of opportunities”.