TGCOM24 - Cesare Cremonini makes his directorial debut with a film about Lucio Dalla: "Happy and honoured to pay homage to him".

“I am happy and honoured for this trust and for the opportunity to pay homage to one of the most important figures of Italian music. Thank you all”, so Cesare Cremonini announces on social media his debut as director of a film about Lucio Dalla: “I continue to work on the new album that will take me on tour for #CremoniniSTADI2022”, writes the singer, who however specifies: “New projects have also been born, which I can finally tell you about! Tenderstories and Papaya Records will be the producers of a film dedicated to #LucioDalla, of which I will be author of the subject and director”. Who better than a singer-songwriter to tell the story of… a great singer-songwriter?

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