THE GIRL FROM TOMORROW by Marta Savina wins the Panorama Italia competition at Alice nella Città

The Girl from Tomorrow, Marta Savina’s first feature film, won the Concorso Panorama Italia at Alice nella Città – an autonomous and parallel section of the Rome Film Festival – winning the Raffaella Fioretta Prize for Italian Cinema 2022, awarded by the jury composed of Riccardo Milani, Massimiliano Bruno, Tosca, Milena Mancini and Giampaolo Morelli.

“I am very happy and grateful for this award, given to a film that was so strongly desired and awaited. It is a beautiful recognition that makes me very proud,” the words of director Marta Savina.

“I am very proud of this award and I thank the jury of Alice nella Città who decided to reward courage. I dedicate this award to all the women in the world who fight for their freedom every day,” said producer Virginia Valsecchi for Capri Entertainment.

“We are very pleased with this award, which recognises a film of great impact. It is a confirmation of the strength and diversity of the MFE-Mediaforeurope Group’s stories, which Medset – the Group’s French company – co-produced with great pride.” Marco Leonardi, General Director Medset Film.

“We are proud of the recognition obtained by The Girl From Tomorrow,” say Moreno Zani and Malcom Pagani of Tenderstories, “a film that shines a spotlight on the struggles, still topical, for women’s emancipation, but also on a new generation of talents in Italian cinema.

Massimiliano Orfei for Vision Distribution added: “We are delighted with the prize awarded to The Girl From Tomorrow, a first work by director Marta Savina that tells the story of a woman’s free and radical choice about her rights, which speaks to the present, to the new generations and to our entire society”.

“A necessary and extremely topical film made by women. We are proud of an award that has great significance especially at this time when women are still fighting for their rights,” says Lucy De Crescenzo of Europictures.

The film is produced by Capri Entertainment in co-production with the French company Medset Film, in association with Tenderstories, in collaboration with Rai Cinema, Vision Distribution, and Sky and will soon be released in cinemas distributed by Europictures.

The cast includes Claudia Gusmano, Fabrizio Ferracane, Francesco Colella, Manuela Ventura, Dario Aita, with the participation of Thony and with Gaetano Aronica, Maziar Firouzi, Francesco Giulio Cerilli and with Paolo Pierobon.