L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO - Olena and the others

Stories of female resistance and solidarity from war-torn Ukraine

Olena, Ulianna, Anastasia, Olena and Iryna are five women who have decided to face the war in Ukraine in their own way: by helping the population who are suffering from the consequences of the conflict unleashed by Russia, unexpected and unjustifiable, and like everyone else terrible, with its tragic load of destruction, death, pain and despair. They are the protagonists of Kordon (Boundary), a film written and directed by Alice Tomassini presented today at the Rome Film Festival, which tells their stories in direct contact; ordinary stories of women who nevertheless do something extraordinary where the brutality of war would like to annihilate everything, even the humanity of people. While the men are at the front, or otherwise engaged in countering the Russian invasion in various services for which they cannot leave the country, Olena and the others thought that it was possible to be useful even without picking up a rifle. Shuttling across the Ukrainian border, four of them stopped at the Zahony station in Hungary, one of the main transit points for those fleeing the war and for humanitarian aid.

Read the article in L’Osservatore Romano