CORRIERE DELLA SERA - "My freest film"

“I realised it was the last chance to deal with something that had been obscured, hidden. Letizia, Piergiorgio, Maria Luisa, Alberto and I, Marco, the surviving Bellocchio sisters and brothers, organised a lunch at the Union club of which my father had been one of the founders. I wasn’t interested in making a nostalgic or generic work about the family. We immediately identified the main character, an absentee, my brother Camillo. His twin brother, who committed suicide on 27 December 1968 at the age of 29, is evoked several times, directly and indirectly, throughout his filmography. Bellocchio brings Marx can wait (already in theaters with 01) to Cannes and the festival celebrates him twice: with a Rendez-vous yesterday, greeted with stadium cheers (“Exaggerated!”) and with the Palme d’honneur that he will receive tomorrow evening from Paolo Sorrentino during the closing ceremony.

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