"Corpus Domini" Exhibition opens on October 28th at Palazzo Reale in Milan

Urs Lüthi Low Action Game II, from Placebos & Surrogates, 2001 Resina sintetica, legno, vestiti e parete azzurra con la frase "ART FOR A BETTER LIFE", dimensioni umane. Foto: copyright Urs Lüthi & VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn Courtesy Collezione Paolo Brodbeck

From 28 October 2021 to 30 January 2022Palazzo Reale in Milan will host Corpus Domini. From the glorified body to the ruins of the soul, a major exhibition curated by Francesca Alfano Miglietti.

The exhibition is sponsored and produced by Palazzo Reale and Comune di Milano-Cultura, in collaboration with Marsilio Arte and Tenderstories.

111 works – installations, sculptures, drawings, paintings, video installations, and photographs – by 34 internationally recognized artists – from Yael Bartana to Christian Boltanski, from Gino de Dominicis to Urs Lüthi, from Carol Rama to Michal Rovner, to name but a few- some of them true icons of contemporary art, are on display for the first time in Italy to collectively capture the multiplicity of the ways in which the human being is represented.

A special section is dedicated to Lea Vergine, an unforgettable presence in the history of the relationship between art and the body. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue published by Marsilio Editori.


Exhibition: Corpus Domini. From the glorious body to the ruins of the soul

Venue: Palazzo Reale – piazza Duomo 12 – Milan

Curator: Francesca Alfano Miglietti

Curatorial team: Chiara Spangaro, Vincenzo Argentieri

Installation: Franco Raggi

Opening to the public: 28 October 2021 – 30 January 2022

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