GHIACCIO in selection at Marettimo Italian Film Festival and at Magna Grecia Film Festival

“Ghiaccio” (“Ice”) by Fabrizio Moro and Alessio De Leonardis has been selected for the Marettimo Italian Film Festival, with a screening scheduled for 23 July, and for the Magna Graecia Film Festival, with a screening scheduled for 4 August.

The Marettimo Italian Film Fest is the event that celebrates national film productions and, in particular, first and second works made in the last year.
It is an opportunity to enhance directors and young authors, encouraging them to develop new working methods, and to create a synergy between the territory and film productions.

The Magna Græcia Film Festival was born in 2004 from an idea of brothers Alessandro and Gianvito Casadonte. It is an event of considerable cultural and artistic interest dedicated exclusively to first and second works and aims to enhance auteur cinema and young Italian and international cinema. The selected films are quality works that often have difficulty in the normal distribution circuits and deal with issues of great social relevance, current and particularly sensitive topics.