Kordon tells the story of five Ukrainian volunteers, who are in a station on the outskirts of Zahony, fighting a non-violent war, shuttling between Ukraine and Hungary to restore hope to a people under attack. A moving portrait of female resistance, courage and solidarity.
Their stories are mirrored in those of the more than seven million women and children who fled the war, crossing a line as invisible as it is concrete as the border between two states, leaving behind their lives. The importance of the role of women as peacemakers in the face of a world that seems to have gone mad is emphasised in the feature film.
“Two weeks after the beginning of the war, I went as a volunteer to the Ukrainian border with Hungary, one of the main places of exodus of women and children who had to leave their country in search of a safer place to stay,” says Alice Tomassini, independent documentary filmmaker and author, “and in those dark days I had the honour of meeting hundreds of exceptional people. The documentary Kordon is the story of five ordinary women who do something extraordinary to help a people under siege. It is a documentary that wants to raise awareness about the importance of non-violent aid, and it is an act of resistance that intends to give voice to the power of women to transcend their pain and discover in themselves the courage to become the main actor of peace”.
Olena Zamkova, Ulianna Kapral, Anastasia Chukovskaya, Olena Kyryliuk, Iryna Chernobai, Olena Bubnova, Maria Bubnova, Viktor Shevchenko, Svitlana Shevchenko, Valentina Shevchenko, Veronika Rusetska, Khrystyna Korchynska.
Tenderstories, Vatican Media.
Moreno Zani, Malcom Pagani.
Valentina Pedicini Award, Nastri d’Argento 2023.