Photography as a life choice

Curated by Francesca Alfano Miglietti

Palazzo Reale, Milan
5 December 2019 - 19 January 2020

Casa dei Tre Oci, Venice
From 20 March to 18 August 2019
Opening on 19 March

From 20 March to 18 August 2019, the Casa dei Tre Oci in Venice will be hosting a large-scale anthological show of the work by Letizia Battaglia (Palermo 1935), one of the most significant protagonists of Italian photography

The show, curated by Francesca Alfano Miglietti, organised by Civita Tre Venezie, promoted by the Fondazione di Venezia, and with the participation of Tendercapital, presents 300 photographs, many of which have never been exhibited before, and which reveal the social and political context in which they were shot. The selection of photos, undertaken together with the Letizia Battaglia archive, from the first had the help of Marta Sollima and, for the search for further choices, of Maria Chiara De Trapani.

“I have experienced photography as a document, as an interpretation, and as many other things […]. I have experienced it as salvation and as truth”.